Emergency Stop Buttons – Switches

Giovenzana Emergency Stop Buttons

Emergency Stop Buttons are critical components in electrical systems that provide a quick and efficient way to stop a machine or appliance in emergency situations. We at Power Control Products are a leading distributor of Giovenzana Emergency Stop Buttons and offer a wide selection of buttons in different sizes and styles to meet various requirements. Contact us for more information on our ESBs and how we can help ensure your electrical systems are safe and secure.

Giovenzana Emergency Stop Button Twist To Release

Model: Twist To Release

Button Diameter: 30mm

Available Sizes: 30mm & 40mm

Giovenzana Emergency Stop Twist To Release Mushroom

Model: Twist To Release

Button Diameter: 60mm

Giovenzana Emergency Stop Key Release

Model: Key Release

Button Diameter: 40mm

Giovenzana Emergency Stop Twist To Release Button With Vision

Style: Twist To Release With Vision

Button Diameter: 40mm

Available Sizes: 30mm & 60mm

Giovenzana Emergency Stop Push Pull Lens Cap

Style: Latched Stop Button With Lens

Button Diameter: 40mm

If you require any different size or style of Emergency Stop Buttons please don’t hesitate to call Power Control Products

Emergency Stop Buttons / Switches are a critical part in some electrical situations.

If you need to have a machine or electrical appliance shut down quickly it should be fitted with an emergency stop button or switch.